I Know the Value of Money

We expect our children to be money smart but often read them moral stories where rich are shown bad and greedy. We work hard so that our children can be happy but children end up thinking parents love work more than them. Children often see us taking money from ATM and think unlimited money can be obtained easily. This book helps to develop right attitude towards money. All difficult concepts are explained in the form of fun stories. 9 out of 10 kids who read this book immediately started saving money.

(1 customer review)


Do you know children develop money habits even before they start counting and it can affect their success in life?

Bad financial habits seen in adults due to lack of financial education in childhood are
● Impulsive buying
● Lack of saving
● Failure to differentiate between short term and long term needs
● Failure to differentiate between wants and needs
● Having negative emotions about money

Children want thousands of things and parents can’t buy all of them. Likewise, decisions to spend money on various things are also observed by children. Parents don’t notice that in these situations children develop financial habits.

By the time children learn about money in the school, their financial habits would have already formed and are hard to change.

This book has stories on day to day situations involving money. Since these stories have the perfect mix of reality and imagination, they make financial education highly effective but with lot of fun.

Book Specifications: 

Format : PDF

No. of Pages : 100

No. of Stories : 7

Concepts Covered : Why money is used, how parents get money, why parents work? , things money can not buy like family and friends, how to save money (short time and long time savings, budget), what is bank, why money is kept in the bank, what is ATM, how to use ATM, what is debit card, taking without asking is stealing.

Suggested Age : 2-10

Older kids can use this book to develop right attitude towards money. Parents can use this book as parenting guide to improve relationship with children.

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1 review for I Know the Value of Money

  1. Shashi

    Very good

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