About IKnowItMOM

IKnowItMOM is an EduTech endeavor focusing on life skills education through gamified learning. We are a team of professionals with diverse expertise and interests. We have deep and wide exposure in variety of global organizations. We bring in expertise and insights from multiple countries, lifestyles and culture, from both west and east. This rich background blended with our studies in psychology resulted in IknowItMOM stories.

We are serious about building right mindset during the forming years of everyone.

We have two brands IKnowItMOM and Midmanager

Under IKnowItMOM, we develop books, e-books, games and apps for children and parents.

Under MidManager, we provide TeamUp, a patented AI driven SaaS service to improve corporate skills. We also offer consulting in behavior analytics, AI solutions and technology consulting in engineering domains . More about our technology..


To equip everyone in the world with sufficient life skills to face real life challenges.


Constantly improve products and services for the betterment of the lives of both kids, parents and working professionals. 

Our Leadership Team

IKnowItMOM, IKnowItMOM Founder, Director, Chetana S

Chetana Sodankoor is an author, animator, story teller, entrepreneur and engineer who has worked in technology domains with international clients. Holder of 4 patents. She is certified in psychology from Yale University and also a certified story teller from Kathalaya. She had immense success in combining psychology with story telling.

Follow her at Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/chetana-s/


Ishwar has 20 years of experience in business, technology, management and innovation. He has solid track record in global organizations  Bosch group, Honeywell and Infosys. He has 8 patents. He is founder of MidManager through which he offers TeamUp service, a patented AI driven SaaS Behavior analytics platform to improve corporate skills. He also offers consulting in behavior analytics , AI solutions and technology consulting in engineering domains. He blogs about career guidance, technology and management at at his middle management blog site http://midmanager.com.

Follow him at Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ishwarabhat/

Content Advisers

We also have content advisors who are specialized in psychology, medicine and human resource development.

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